Module Dometyl.Case

Top-level module of this generator library. Used to tie together each of the major components of the case:

type eyelets

Eyelet configuration / placement

type t = {
  1. scad : OSCADml.Scad.d3;
  2. plate : Plate.t;
  3. plate_glue : OSCADml.Scad.d3;
  4. walls : Walls.t;
  5. connections : Connect.t;
  6. eyelets : Eyelet.t list;

The top-level type of this library. The Scad.d3 scad held within this type should generally represent the finished case, made up of the three major building blocks: Plate.t, Walls.t, and Connect.t.

val translate : OCADml.V3.t -> t -> t
val xtrans : float -> t -> t
val ytrans : float -> t -> t
val ztrans : float -> t -> t
val rotate : ?about:OCADml.V3.t -> OCADml.V3.t -> t -> t
val xrot : ?about:OCADml.V3.t -> float -> t -> t
val yrot : ?about:OCADml.V3.t -> float -> t -> t
val zrot : ?about:OCADml.V3.t -> float -> t -> t
val axis_rotate : ?about:OCADml.V3.t -> OCADml.V3.t -> float -> t -> t
val quaternion : ?about:OCADml.V3.t -> OCADml.Quaternion.t -> t -> t
val scale : OCADml.V3.t -> t -> t
val xscale : float -> t -> t
val yscale : float -> t -> t
val zscale : float -> t -> t
val mirror : OCADml.V3.t -> t -> t
val affine : OCADml.Affine3.t -> t -> t
val eyelets : ?config:Eyelet.config -> ?width:float -> ?bury:float -> ?wall_locs:Eyelet.wall_loc list -> ?free_locs:[ `Loc of OCADml.v3 | `Reloc of OCADml.v3 | `U of float ] list -> unit -> eyelets

eyelets ?config ?width ?bury ?wall_locs ?free_locs ()

Create an eyelets specification. Defaults are left to the functions that actually place/construct thee eyelets (e.g. and Eyelet.make).

val make : ?right_hand:bool -> ?eyelets:eyelets -> plate_builder:(Key.t -> Plate.t) -> plate_welder:(Plate.t -> OSCADml.Scad.d3) -> wall_builder:(Plate.t -> Walls.t) -> base_connector:(Walls.t -> Connect.t) -> ports_cutter:Ports.cutter -> Key.t -> t

make ?right_hand ~plate_builder ~plate_welder ~wall_builder ~base_connector ~ports_cutter keyhole

A high level helper used to contsruct the case from provided functions and a Key.t. If right_hand is false, the case will be built with a mirrored keyhole, then the completed case will be flipped (keeping non-reversible clips/cutouts such as those for hotswap holders in the right orientation).

  • plate_builder will use the provided Key.t to generate a Plate.t
  • plate_welder function intended to generate a Scad.d3 that provides support between columns of the built plate.
  • wall_builder uses the generated Plate.t to create Walls.t from the ends and sides of the columns to the ground (likely a closure using Walls.auto_body and Walls.auto_thumb).
  • base_connector connects the walls around the perimeter of the case, using various functions provided by Connect. This function should return a Connect.t that follows along the entire edge of the case in clockwise fashion without gaps. This way the resulting Case.t will contain the necessary information to use Bottom and Tent. See Connect.skeleton and Connect.closed for examples that provide this functionality.
  • ports_cutter contains a function that uses Walls.t and/or Connect.t to create a Ports.t containing Scad.d3s to cut from / add to the case to facilitate placement of jacks/ports. See Ports.make for an example of such a function, which can be configured then wrapped in Ports.t as this parameter.
val plate_scad : t -> OSCADml.Scad.d3

plate_scad t

A union of the model of the plate (body and thumb columns) along with the glue produced by the plate_welder function when the case t was created.

val to_scad : ?show_caps:bool -> ?show_cutouts:bool -> t -> OSCADml.Scad.d3

to_scad ?show_caps ?show_cutouts t

Extract the contained Scad.d3, optionally tacking on keycaps and case cutouts (such as representations of hotswap sockets, that are used to provide clearance), stored in Key.t with show_caps and show_cutouts respectively. I would recommend against rendering with these options active, as they will balloon the processing time, remove the colouration only visible in preview mode, and they are not something that you will want and stl of anyway.