Module Olm.Sas

type t = {
buf : char Ctypes.ptr;
sas : C.Types.SAS.t Ctypes_static.ptr;
val clear : C.Types.SAS.t Ctypes_static.ptr -> (int, [> `OlmError ]) Core.result

clear sas

Clear memory backing the given sas pointer.

val check_error : t -> Unsigned.size_t -> (int, [> OlmError.t ]) Core.result

check_error t ret

Check whether return code ret is equal to `olm_error()` ( -1 ), returning the return value as an int if not, and the `last_error` from the sas t if so.

val set_their_pubkey : t -> string -> (int, [> OlmError.t ]) Core.result

set_their_pubkey t key

Set the public key of the other user in the SAS object t. It needs to be set before bytes can be generated for the authentication string and a MAC can be calculated.

val alloc : unit -> t

alloc ()

Allocate an C.Types.SAS.t and return the pointers in a t.

val create : ?⁠other_users_pubkey:string -> unit -> (t[> OlmError.t ]) Core.result

create ?other_users_pubkey ()

Create a new SAS object with alloc (), additionally setting the other users public key if provided.

val pubkey : t -> (string, [> OlmError.t ]) Core.result

pubkey t

Get the public key of the SAS object t that can then be shared with another user to perform the authentication process.

val other_key_set : t -> bool

other_key_set t

Check if the other user's pubkey has been set.

val generate_bytes : t -> string -> int -> (string, [> OlmError.t | `ValueError of string ]) Core.result

generate_bytes t extra_info length

Generate bytes to use for the short authentication string with SAS object t. Supplied extra_info is mixed in when generating the number of bytes indicated by length.

val calculate_mac : t -> string -> string -> (string, [> OlmError.t ]) Core.result

calculate_mac t msg extra_info

Generate a message authentication code (MAC) based on the shared secret held in the SAS object t, for msg. extra_info is mixed in with when generating the MAC.

val calculate_mac_long_kdf : t -> string -> string -> (string, [> OlmError.t ]) Core.result

calculate_mac_long_kdf t msg extra_info

For compatibility with an old version of Riot. Should not be used unless compatibility with an older non-tagged Olm version is required.