Module Olm.Helpers

module YoJs = Yojson_helpers
module ResultInfix : sig ... end
val allocate_buf : ?⁠finalise:(char Ctypes.ptr -> unit) -> int -> char Ctypes.ptr

allocate_buf ?finalise n_bytes

Create char buffer of size n_bytes with optional finalise for the garbage collector.

val finaliser : 'a Ctypes.typ -> ('a Ctypes_static.ptr -> 'b) -> char Ctypes_static.ptr -> unit

finaliser t clear char_ptr

Create a finalisation closure (accepting the char_ptr to finalise) for t, using clear. Simply performing the necessary coersion between the originally allocated char buffer and the actual type t.

val allocate_bytes_void : int -> unit Ctypes.ptr

allocate_bytes_void n_bytes

Allocate n_bytes of memory and return a void pointer to it.

val size_of_int : int -> Unsigned.size_t
val size_to_int : Unsigned.size_t -> int
val olm_error : int


Integer representation of the return value of C.Funcs.error (olm_error () in the C headers.). Return values of libolm functions are checked against this to determine whether an error occurred and the last_error of the relevant Olm object needs to be checked.

val size_to_result : Unsigned.size_t -> (int, [> `OlmError ]) Core.result

size_to_result size

Maps libolm return size to an integer in the Result monad if not equal to olm_error, otherwise `OlmError.

val zero_bytes : 'a Ctypes.typ -> length:int -> 'a Ctypes_static.ptr -> unit

zero_bytes ctyp ~length p

Zero out the memory backing the p of size length and type ctyp.

val string_of_ptr : 'a Ctypes.typ -> length:int -> 'a Ctypes_static.ptr -> string

string_of_ptr ctyp ~length p

Map p of size length and type ctyp to string.

val string_of_ptr_clr : 'a Ctypes.typ -> length:int -> 'a Ctypes_static.ptr -> string

string_of_ptr_clr ctyp ~length p

string_of_ptr, but run zero_bytes on p afterwards.

val string_to_ptr : 'a Ctypes.typ -> string -> 'a Ctypes_static.ptr

string_to_ptr ctyp s

Map s to a pointer of type ctyp.

val string_to_sized_buff : 'a Ctypes.typ -> string -> 'a Ctypes_static.ptr * Unsigned.size_t

string_to_sized_buff ctyp s

string_of_ptr, but also returning the size of the resulting buffer along with the pointer in a tuple.

val non_empty_string : ?⁠label:string -> string -> (string, [> `ValueError of string ]) Core.result

non_empty_string ?label s

Map s into the Result monad, returning a `ValueError msg if it is empty. If label is provided, it is added to the error message to make it more specific.

module UTF8 : sig ... end