Module Wall.Drawer

Type providing a means to obtain the path from a particular point on the originating face of a wall and the ground.

type loc = [
  1. | `BL
  2. | `BR
  3. | `TL
  4. | `TR
  5. | `CN
  6. | `B of float
  7. | `T of float
  8. | `L of float
  9. | `R of float
  10. | `XY of float * float
type t = loc -> OCADml.Path3.t
val translate : OCADml.V3.t -> t -> t
val xtrans : float -> t -> t
val ytrans : float -> t -> t
val ztrans : float -> t -> t
val rotate : ?about:OCADml.V3.t -> OCADml.V3.t -> t -> t
val xrot : ?about:OCADml.V3.t -> float -> t -> t
val yrot : ?about:OCADml.V3.t -> float -> t -> t
val zrot : ?about:OCADml.V3.t -> float -> t -> t
val axis_rotate : ?about:OCADml.V3.t -> OCADml.V3.t -> float -> t -> t
val quaternion : ?about:OCADml.V3.t -> OCADml.Quaternion.t -> t -> t
val scale : OCADml.V3.t -> t -> t
val xscale : float -> t -> t
val yscale : float -> t -> t
val zscale : float -> t -> t
val mirror : OCADml.V3.t -> t -> t
val affine : OCADml.Affine3.t -> t -> t
val map : (OCADml.Path3.t -> OCADml.Path3.t) -> t -> t