Module Key.Face

An outer face of a keyhole.

type t = {
  1. path : OCADml.Path3.t;

    Path outlining the face.

  2. points : Points.t;

    Corner and centre points of the face. If the face is rounded, these are the points before the roundover begins.

  3. bounds : Points.t;

    Original unrounded corner points.

  4. normal : OCADml.V3.t;

    Normal vector

val translate : OCADml.V3.t -> t -> t
val xtrans : float -> t -> t
val ytrans : float -> t -> t
val ztrans : float -> t -> t
val rotate : ?about:OCADml.V3.t -> OCADml.V3.t -> t -> t
val xrot : ?about:OCADml.V3.t -> float -> t -> t
val yrot : ?about:OCADml.V3.t -> float -> t -> t
val zrot : ?about:OCADml.V3.t -> float -> t -> t
val axis_rotate : ?about:OCADml.V3.t -> OCADml.V3.t -> float -> t -> t
val quaternion : ?about:OCADml.V3.t -> OCADml.Quaternion.t -> t -> t
val scale : OCADml.V3.t -> t -> t
val xscale : float -> t -> t
val yscale : float -> t -> t
val zscale : float -> t -> t
val mirror : OCADml.V3.t -> t -> t
val affine : OCADml.Affine3.t -> t -> t
val direction : t -> OCADml.V3.t